Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hey kids! I'm a Mrs. now!

From Rabbit in the Kitchen

The wedding has come and gone!  The hubby and I shared a lovely pair of days together here in Toronto.  We got ourselves a room at The Gladstone Hotel and stayed two nights.  Our first night was in Racine, Room 407.  Our second night, we moved to a smaller room called Sugarbush, Room 401.  Both rooms were lovely in their own way.  Racine had a huge tub and shower with luxurious shower curtains and  lots of space to move.  Sugarbush had a funny smell in it reminiscent of cigarette smoke when we first walked in.  We opened the window and aired it out.  I suspect the room was out of use for a little while before we came to stay.  We were appeased with some free tea in the cafe and the hotel desk lad took the bag of maple beer nuts off our bill.  What a nice guy!  I was satisfied.  Oh yes, I was.
I suppose you'd like to see the wedding cake?  I didn't make it (though, I did make a few of the treats at the table).

From Rabbit in the Kitchen
Our roomie's mom made the cake, cupcakes and a few other assorted treats for the table!  She was wonderful for it and he was wonderful for getting us the cake as a gift (and transporting it to the reception!!).
Everyone was so helpful and wonderful and I can't thank them enough for all their hard work and putting up with me when I started to fray at the edges.
I'm planning to make chili tonight.  Hopefully, I can get some nice shots for your food porn pleasure.  I'll post the recipe if it comes out well!
I missed you, blog.  Time to get this Rabbit back in the Kitchen!


Unknown said...

Yay! There is the wedding stuffage.

I need to do another post at some point in time.